Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Getting Started

So we are about a week out from the flight over, and while I am physically prepared for the trip, I am emotionally on edge. Mostly excited, a little nervous, and a little sad to be leaving my friends and family here. But regardless, I am extremely excited to begin the adventure of a lifetime!

I hope to be updating this blog every day if possible, or every time I go out and experience something new. I will post a lot of the pictures I take on my travels and experiences, but most of them will be on my Facebook and Instagram page. There will be a lot of pictures of food, buildings, plants, and more buildings. Maybe some of me, haven't decided on that yet. Either way, I want to commemorate my excursions on this trip the best way possible.

Alex out.


  1. Best wishes on your adventure! We look forward to living vicariously.

    1. Thank you for the wishes! I can't wait to share all I do.

  2. Why Scotland and what are you studying?

    1. I am studying Biology for Pre-Med, and I chose Scotland because the CNU Study Abroad office has an affordable joint program with the University of Glasgow
